Category Archives: EKG


EKG – 7 – Atrial Flutter

An 18 yr old female with a known history of mitral stenosis presents to the HUM ED with two weeks of shortness of breath and chest discomfort.

This is her EKG.  What does it show?

EKG - 7

HINT:  15 minutes later, after approx 500cc of NS, here is a look at her monitor, how does this help us?

BIGGER HINT:  Below is a video of us giving the patient 6mg of adenosine.

So what does her EKG show?

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EKG – 4 – Atrial Enlargement

A 17 yr old female presents to the HUM ED with acute onset left sided weakness approximately 6 hours prior to arrival.  On exam, she was found to have a left sided facial droop, left arm and left leg weakness (able to walk but does so with significant limp). Her overall examination was consistent with an acute stroke.

An EKG was performed and is attached.  What does this EKG suggest and what other bedside test should it prompt you to perform?


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EKG – 3 – Complete Heart Block

A woman presents to Mirebalais with shortness of breath and generalized weakness.  On presentation, patient is dyspneic with bilateral crackles and lower extremity edema.

Vitals per triage sheet:  BP 151/118, FC 155, FR 48, O2 sat 98% on nonrebreather mask, Temp 35.8C

I have also attached a short video of her monitored rhythm.

WHAT DOES HER EKG SHOW? And what is usual about her monitored rhythm and vitals obtained at triage?

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EKG – 2 – Atrial Fibrillation with Rapid Ventricular Response

72 year old female presents to HUM with shortness of breath and increasing lower extremity edema over the last month.

Vitals: SBP 160s, HR 170s, RR 26, O2 sat 94 % on RA

On exam, patient tachypneic, able to speak in short sentences, had irregular heart rate, crackles through lungs with decreased breath sounds bilaterally, distended abdomen with marked bilateral lower extremity edema.

WHAT DOES HER EKG SHOW? (Below is a short video of her monitored rhythm.)

Screen Shot 2016-01-31 at 4.18.05 PM


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